Each month you will be sent a parasite forecast or disease alert (see Forecasts and Alerts Schedule), which will be automatically personalised with the practice logo and name. You can then forward it to the farmers you have selected in the farmers directory if appropriate.
The annual subscription package will include:
12 months local parasite forecast based on up to 3 x adjacent 40km2 grid squares your farmers are located in. The parasite forecast highlights parasite risk throughout the year, and complements the parasite control plans.
Sheep parasite control planners - you will be sent a pack of 10 - 20 sheep planners depending on subscription level
Cattle parasite control planners - you will be sent a pack of 10 - 20 cattle planners depending on subscription level
PowerPoints - you will be sent PowerPoints for farmer meetings/workshops - how to use the sheep, beef and dairy planners. There will also be PowerPoints on other parasite topics that you might like to include in the meeting depending on the time of year, e.g. nematodirosis, cattle and sheep fluke, blowfly, scab etc. to make parasite education easy! All PowerPoints have a full range of clinical images and are ready to go! Click here for more information.
Veterinary webinars - Dr. John Graham-Brown BVSc (hons), MSc (hons), PhD, MRCVS from University of Liverpool will present 4 webinars at strategic times during the year to provide advice to vets on providing veterinary parasite control plans. These webinars will be interactive so questions from participating vets can be answered.
On going support – Your account managers – all experienced “active” health planning vets with in-depth knowledge of parasite control plans are on hand to provide on-going support to participating veterinary practices.
CPD - Each webinar provides at least 1 hour CPD (total 4 hours minimum) which will be certified to named vets. Vets presenting farmer meeting will qualify for CPD hours.
- 1-3 farm vets (10 sheep and 10 cattle planners) - £425 + VAT
- 4-6 farm vets (15 sheep and 15 cattle planners) - £525 + VAT
- 7+ farm vets (20 sheep and 20 cattle planners) - £625 + VAT
Additional Options:
Additional sheep packs (10) £90 + VAT
Additional cattle packs (10) £90 + VAT
The parasite control plans have been designed to help you promote active veterinary parasite control planning to your farmers, or if a farmer already has a veterinary health plan, the parasite control planners can be used as a visual aid to ensure the correct treatments are used at the right times. They will also enable you to promote services your practice provide i.e. faecal egg counts and facilitates the supply of treatments.
If you would like to subscribe please complete this order form. If you would like more information please contact your regional veterinary advisor.