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History of fluke on the farm


The risk of fluke disease occurring is greatest on farms where there is a history of fluke infection. Even then, for fluke to become a problem on the farm, conditions must be right for infection to establish and for transmission to occur. Flukes are not transmitted directly between sheep or cattle and need the presence of a certain species of mud snail, which act as intermediate hosts in which fluke development occurs.  Snails can only be infected if suitable snail habitats are present on the farm, and infected livestock contaminate the “fluky” areas. If conditions are right, then infected snails shed motile stages that become resistant cysts, which can then infect any livestock grazing the contaminated areas. 

Parasite Forecasts & Alerts

Month Forecast Alerts
January Parasite Forecast  Chronic Fluke
February  Parasite Forecast   
March  Parasite Forecast   
April Parasite Forecast  Nematodirus & Blowfly
May  Parasite Forecast  Nematodirus & Blowfly
June Parasite Forecast  Blowfly
July Parasite Forecast  Acute Fluke (provisional) & Blowfly
August Parasite Forecast  Acute Fluke & Blowfly
September Parasite Forecast  Acute Fluke & Blowfly
October  Parasite Forecast  Chronic Fluke
November Parasite Forecast  Chronic Fluke
December  Parasite Forecast  Chronic Fluke


Regional Contacts


Rebecca Vallis BVetMed MRCVS
Veterinary Advisor – South West and South England

Veterinary Advisor – Scotland

Sharon Wainwright BVetMed BSc MRCVS
Veterinary Advisor – South Wales & Midlands

Phoebe McCarter BVSC MRCVS
Veterinary Advisor – North England