Parasite Control – Vet only
Welcome to your NADIS vet management area
NADIS has developed a parasite control package for vets, to help vets provide active veterinary parasite control plans for their farmers, increasing the number of parasite control plans your practice provides. This enables you to engage with more farmers throughout the year.
The parasite control package includes:
- A more detailed local (40km2) monthly parasite forecast, branded with the practice details
- Interactive parasite planners for cattle and sheep
- PowerPoint presentations for farmer meetings to highlight the benefits of having veterinary parasite control plans
If a farmer already has a health plan, the PCP can be used as a visual aid for parasite control through the year. If the farmer does not have a health plan the PCP will provide a quick, visual, stand-alone parasite control plan.
Parasite Forecast: Using more detailed Met Office data the parasite forecast has been developed to provide local forecasts for 190, 40km2 grids across the UK. Using the map below, please select the Morecs grid square(s) corresponding to your practice area. Each grid square is 40km2. You can select up to 3 adjacent grid squares if your farmers are located in a wider area.
Parasite Forecast newsletter: If you subscribe, each month you will receive a local parasite forecast or disease alert raising farmer awareness of the parasite challenges their livestock face in their grid area. The forecasts will highlight the importance of having a veterinary parasite control plan and give the farmer the opportunity to request one. You can view examples of forecasts below.
2018 Nematodirus forecast:

2018 Blowfly strike alert:

2017 Fluke forecast:

The communication will be sent to the practice each month so that it can be forwarded to the farmers you have selected to receive it. The practice can add an introductory email message, and the communication will automatically be branded with the practice details. There will be the opportunity to promote veterinary parasite control plans, laboratory testing services, as well as the supply of the correct product at the right time to all of the farmers you have selected to receive it.
Planners: The sheep and cattle PCPs are currently hard copy which some farmers will prefer. Explanatory booklets also accompany the planners:

A web based version is being developed so vets will be able to develop and monitor parasite control plans for their farmers remotely, helping to ensure that vets are central to parasite control on more farms, so the correct products are used at the right time.
Sheep Planner:- Click here for an example of how the planner works
Dairy Planner:- click here for an example of how the planner works
Beef Planner:- Click here for an example of how the planner works
Map:- Using the map below, please select the Morecs grid square(s) corresponding to your practice area.
Selected Morecs Square(s):